When you access Time & ExpenseSM there are various buttons, icons, and links that you can click to perform different functions throughout the system. Review the table below to better understand these features in Time & ExpenseSM.
Button |
Description |
To view one of the following: • A time card or expense report. • Additional details for an expense item. |
To select a date. Consultants and field support only. |
To print the list of time cards or expense reports to the printer you specify. |
To display the list of time cards or expense reports in an Excel spreadsheet. Use this feature to update and save the information as necessary. |
To display the Status Summary (Dashboard) page. Field support and system administrators only. |
To display the Status Summary page. Field support and system administrators only. |
To log into Time & ExpenseSM. |
To save the e-mail settings that you prefer. Managers and consultants only. |
To save the information you inserted. Consultants and field support only. |
To save the updates you inserted to a time card. Managers. |
To save the expense information you inserted. Consultants and field support only. |
To insert the hours worked and the user-defined fields, if applicable, on your time card. |
To change the information you inserted. Consultants, managers, and field support only. |
To update the User-Defined Field (UDF) values that display. Managers only. |
To copy the information you inserted. You can use this button on your time card to copy information from one date and insert the same information for another date within the same week. |
To remove the information that displays. |
To edit the information you inserted. Consultants and field support only. |
To continue performing the action. |
To cancel or stop performing the action. |
To submit the change you indicated. |
To close the window. |
To delete the information you inserted. Consultants and field support only. |
To add time to the time card. Consultants and field support only. |
To display a printer friendly version of a time card or expense report. The print friendly version of a time card includes spaces for the consultant or the field support representative (for example, CSA) who represents the consultant and the manager to validate the hours entered. Print a time card or expense report for your records. |
To display a print friendly version of the expenses receipt page where you can tape your receipts for reimbursement purposes. |
To submit your time card or expense report to your manager for approval. A verification page displays before you officially submit your hours. Consultants and field support only. |
To verify and submit your time card or expense report. Consultants and field support only. |
To receive a new password from Time & ExpenseSM. Consultants and managers only. |
To display the Comment page. Use this page to insert your comments. Your comments display in the History section of the time card and expense report. Consultants and field support only. |
To view the History page that displays the time card’s or expense report’s activity history, including comments. |
To search for the information you specified. Managers, field support, expense auditors, Operations Support Group (OSG) only. |
To search for the information you specified. Field support, expense auditors, and Operations Support Group (OSG) only. |
To search for the consultant you need to represent in Time & ExpenseSM. Field support only. |
To access Time & ExpenseSM as a consultant. If a consultant cannot access the system, you must represent the consultant to enter his or her hours worked or expenses incurred. Field support only. |
To change the office and company information you are viewing. Field support, Operations Support Group (OSG) only. |
To change your Time & ExpenseSM password. Managers and consultants only. |
To un-submit a time card or expense report submitted previously. If a manager approves or rejects a time card or expense report then the time card or expense report cannot be un-submitted. Consultants and field support only. |
To approve a time card, expense report, or individual expense items. Managers and expense auditors only. |
To reject a time card, expense report, or individual expense items. Managers and expense auditors only. |
To approve all of the items listed. Managers and expense auditors only. |
To reject all of the items listed. Managers and expense auditors only. |
To close the View Expense Item window. |
To cancel the rejection. Consultants and field support only. |
To send the expense report to the expense auditor for verification. Field support only. |
To add a UDF value to a UDF label for a customer order number in the UDF Administration page. |
I want to request a new password link |
To receive a new password from Time & ExpenseSM. Consultants and managers only. |
Yes button |
Click the Yes button to accept the User Terms and Conditions. When you accept the User Terms and Conditions, you can use Time & ExpenseSM. |
No Button |
Click the No button not to accept the User Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept the terms and conditions then you cannot use Time & ExpenseSM. |
Previous or Prev link |
To display the previous time card or expense report listed. The Previous or Prev link is not active if no additional time cards or expense reports exist. |
Next link |
To display the next time card or expense report listed. The Next link is not active if no additional time cards or expense reports exist. |
Select All link |
To select all of the time cards that display on the Home page you are viewing. Managers only. |
Select All Expenses link |
To select all of the expense reports that display on the Home page you are viewing. Managers only. |
Approve link |
To approve all of the time cards that you selected on the Home page you are viewing. Managers only. |
Approve Expenses link |
To approve all of the expense reports that you selected on the Home page you are viewing. Managers only. |
Missing Time Card(s) link |
To display the Missing Time Cards page. Consultants and field support only. |