If you forget your password for Time & ExpenseSM, you can have the system send you a new password.
1. From the Login page, in the Username field, type the e-mail address you specified previously. Your e-mail address is your username.
2. In the Password field, type your password. If your username or password is not correct, the Invalid Username or Password page displays.
3. To request a new password, click the I want to request a new password link. The Send Me a New Password page displays.
4. In the Email Address field, type your e-mail address. Your e-mail address is your username. You must type the e-mail address you entered when you setup your account.
5. Click the Send Me a New Password button for Time & ExpenseSM to send your new password to the e-mail address you entered. You must be able to receive e-mails at the e-mail address you entered to receive your new password. Time & ExpenseSM sends your password immediately.