Time Cards and Expenses Overview

You can access the Time Card and Enter Expenses pages to submit your time cards and expense reports weekly. Your time cards and expense reports must be approved by your manager, field support representative (for example, the CSA), and expense auditor (expenses only) to receive compensation and reimbursement for the hours you worked and the expenses you incurred. If a manager, field support representative, or expense auditor (expenses only) rejects your time card or expense report, you must re-submit your time card or expense with the correct information to receive compensation or reimbursement.

If you are unable to submit your time card or expense report, contact your field support representative to act as a proxy to submit your hours and expenses in your absence.

As a Time & ExpenseSM consultant, you can access any of the following pages from the left menu:

Time Cards

Time Cards—To submit a weekly time card, update a time card, or view time cards. Refer to Access and Update a Time Card for further details.

All Time Cards—To view a list of all of your time cards. Refer to View All Time Cards for further details.

Status Summary—To see an overview of the time cards (and expense reports) that you submitted for the previous week. Refer to Use the Status Summary Page for further details.


Enter Expenses—To submit an expense report, update an expense, or view expense reports. Refer to Access and Update an Expenses for further details.

All Expenses—To view a list of all of your expense reports. Refer to View All Expenses for further details.

Status Summary—To see an overview of the expenses (and time cards) that you submitted for the previous week. Refer to Use the Status Summary Page for further details.